Command Respect & Authority: The Ultimate Guide to What to Wear for a Presentation at Work

You’ve pored through the research. You’ve practiced your presentation countless times. Your pitch is air-tight. Now all that’s left is presenting your argument to your colleagues and stakeholders.

Make no mistake: What you wear to a presentation matters.


Your presentation is more than just slides and talking points. Whether you like it or not, you are part of the presentation yourself. What you wear for a presentation will influence your listeners just as much as what you say.

Read on for our ultimate guide to what to wear for a presentation at work.

Begin with your audience.

When choosing what to wear for your presentation, begin with your client or colleagues in mind. What will they be wearing to your presentation? 

Once you are mindful of who and where you’ll be presenting, it’s time to elevate your look with color, accessories, and proper grooming.

For example, I have a client who works in HR at a warehouse. When she is presenting to staff, I recommend that she wear jeans to reflect the familiarity with the warehouse uniform and elevate this base with a jacket to reflect her authority.

Your essentials begin with your authority items.

For women, this means a scarf and/or necklace.

For men, this is a tie.

I call this “jugular protection” and yes—it is ESSENTIAL. Without these pieces, you will unintentionally convey weakness. But with these authority items, you’ll elevate your look instantly.

Don’t be caught without this one clothing piece.

Whether it’s a major presentation at work or simply a weekly meeting, never be found without a jacket. This is your armor—without one, you lack power and communicate weakness.

Wear your best colors.

Wearing your best colors doesn’t mean wearing your favorite color.

There is science behind color. And each one of us has a color palette that makes us look healthy, friendly, and energetic. 

When it comes to what to wear for a presentation, choosing the right colors will be the difference between your listeners viewing you as upbeat and competent or washed out and weak.

Your best colors will light up your face, making you more visible.

How do you know which colors best compliment you? Find a color consultant in your area who can help you discover your best colors through a color consultation!

Ladies, get out your power tools.

Earrings and a bit of makeup will be your power tools when it comes to impressing at a presentation.

Highlight your mouth—your communication tool—with lipstick. 

Wear a watch, not just for timekeeping purposes, but to show that you value the time of your colleagues.

Your shoes matter.

Your shoes are the foundation of your look—quite literally. And choosing the right shoe will keep you grounded and portray strength.

Ladies, wear a heel to show that you are “on duty.” These don’t have to be particularly high—choose something that is comfortable and flattering for you. A ballet flat might work for a routine day at work, but these won’t do for a presentation—they show a lack of authority.

Men, your shoes should be clean and freshly polished.

Put the cherry on top.

A blow dry and manicure or a fresh haircut and shave are the cherry on top of your look. 

Carry a bag or briefcase that is organized and professional—not resembling your kitchen junk drawer.

Your wardrobe checklist.

A polished presentation begins with a polished look. 

Use the checklist below to ensure you’re prepared for your next presentation:

Valerio Feb Blog Post Wardrobe Checklist.png

Respect begins with you.

If you don’t appear to have respect for yourself, then your listeners aren’t going to respect what you are saying, no matter how well-rehearsed your presentation is. 

But with a little extra effort and thought into choosing what to wear for a presentation, you’ll instantly convey expertise and authority before you even speak a word.

Master your first impressions and transform your look with a color & style consultation.

If you are local to the Greater Cincinnati region, I would invite you to discover your optimal colors through a color consultation and your signature style through a style consultation.