Elevate your image

Color and Style Consultations for the Discerning and Driven Individual.

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color consultation.

Bright or dull? Confident or timid? Successful or striving? What are the colors you wear saying about you?

It’s time for your color choices to communicate the right messages.

With our color consultation, you’ll discover the distinct colors that make you look capable, credible, and captivating.


style consultation.

It takes only 7 seconds for someone to form an opinion when they initially meet you. Do you impress with the way you dress? 

Make that first impression count with a signature style that’s unique to your look, your goals, and your personality.

With our style consultation, you will learn which shapes, necklines, fabrics, patterns, and accessories make you look and feel your best.

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wardrobe review.

How much space in your closet is wasted with pieces you never actually wear?

Let’s change that with a wardrobe review.

Work with us to curate a closet full of pieces that look great on you and that you love wearing. We’ll guide you on which items to clear and keep, while also designing new outfit choices based on the items you already own.

corporate offerings.

Your employees are the face of your company. Are they interacting with customers, partners, and prospects in a way that forms a positive opinion of your business?

We give your staff the tools they need to inspire, impress, and influence through our customizable speaking engagements, workshops, group or individual consultations covering professional image, etiquette training, and more.

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From the Stylist's Desk